Print Managers

Print Managers

North Park University has over 100 printers on campus for use by Faculty, Staff, and Students.

To help manage this fleet, IT asks individual departments to assist in toner and service requests.

Print managers for each department help coordinate with IT concerning issues and questions.

Ordering Supplies


All University printers and copiers should be using automatic toner replenishment. This means that departments should not have to order toner.
New toner will ship when the device starts to get low. You should always have a replacement supply on hand, but you won't have to place an order.
If you don't have a backup on hand right now, please place an order via phone or email!

If you are in charge of supplies for your machine, you can place a supply request directly with ProvenIT.

Please reference the ProvenIT tag number whenever placing supply or service requests!

Supplies: 708-407-2941


For ordering staples, please place an order via phone or email. The Business Office is currently absorbing the cost of staples.


Paper is ordered through Physical Plant.



Service Requests

Services requests can be placed directly with ProvenIT. If you are unsure if North Park or ProvenIT should handle your request, please contact IT Support Services via the Help Desk.


ProvenIT Service: 708-614-1915

Toner Recycle

ProvenIT partners with Clover Recycling. Departments can click to print a shipping label and send old cartridges out via the postal center:


Alternatively, you can send it back to IT and we can process the recycle.

Student Workers

Departments who have student workers should contact IT Support Services or the Business Office to enable them to print for their departments.

Departments should receive reports on their printer usage. After a student worker concludes work for a department, please contact IT Support Service again about disabling this access.

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