EverFi Foundry Data Integration/Import

EverFi Foundry Data Integration/Import


EverFI Foundry is a third party system in which NPU can assign training modules to both employees/Staff/Faculty and to students.  This training can include (but not limited to) training on diversity, alcohol/drug prevention, and Title IX training.

The link to access EverFI is https://admin.fifoundry.net/en/north-park-university/sign_in

You must click on the 'North Park SSO' button.  This will lead you directly into the EverFi application if you already logged into another >If you have admin roles, your view may have additional features/menu items such as managing users, assignments, etc.  To view the training that is specifically assigned to you as a student or faculty/staff member, you will need to change your view by selecting Tools button in the upper right-hand corner and selecting the Learner Dashboard from the menu.  If you need to go back to the admin view, you can select the Admin Dashboard from the menu.


Roles are broken down between Faculty and Staff and Higher Education:Students.  A person can be assigned to both roles simultaneously - for example an employee who is taking classes will be assigned to both roles.

Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff roles must be designated as one of the following groups.  An employee can only be assigned to one of these sub-groups at a time.  These roles are assigned either manually when the user is added in the system or by selecting the appropriate fields (Y/N) in the import file.  If one or more of these fields are set to 'Y', the employee/staff will not be able to be imported and a failure message will generate.

  • Supervisor
  • Non-Supervisor

Higher Education:Students

Higher Education: Students roles must be designated as one of the following groups.   These roles are assigned either manually when the user is added in the system or by selecting the appropriate fields (Y/N) in the import file.  If one or more of these fields are set to 'Y', the student will not be able to be imported and a failure message will generate.

  • Graduate
  • Undergrad
  • Greek (we are not using this designation at NPU)
  • Non-Traditional (we are not using this designation at NPU)

These roles can be used as filters (with or without other custom categories) to filter to whom training assignments are assigned.

Admin Roles

In addition to the two roles described above, a user can be assigned administrative roles. These will give the user access to manage users, create content, create assignments, etc.  A user can be assigned one or both admin roles.  If they are assigned only one, then they can only access data for that subset of users.  For instance, if a user is only assigned the Faculty/Staff Admin role, they can only manage (import new users/update) users that are designated as Faculty/Staff and not student data.

  • Faculty/Staff Admin
  • Higher Education Training Admin

Custom Categories and Labels

 Custom Categories provide an option to organize your learners and data. These categories can be used to filter training to a specific segment (i.e. Supervisors only).  These fields can be blank and the record will import successfully but if the value provided is not listed under the categories, the record will error when imported.

As of 3/9/21, these are the custom categories and associated values that we have created at NPU.

Academic Program Type

This is the type of program that a student is currently enrolled in.

Program Type CodeProgram Type DescriptionProgram Type CodeProgram Type Description
SEMUMSeminary-Urban MinistrySEMCRSeminary-Cross Registered
SEMDDSeminary-Dual DegreeSEMSeminary
SEMCPSeminary-CEOPSALGRGrad Professional Studies
NURDPDoctorate Nurse PracticeNURPRGrad. Nurse Practitioner
MUSGraduate MusicNURGraduate Nursing
EDUGraduate EducationUNDTCUndergrad-Teacher Cert.
CMEBusiness & Nonprofit MgmtUNDEXUndergraduate-Exchange
ATAthletic TrainingGOAProfessional Studies

UNDRNUndergraduate-RN Complet.



SEMFCSeminary-Found. Credent.


Currently not used in our import but hope to have this functional soon.

  • No
  • Coach
  • Athlete

Employee Status

  • Full-Time
  • Part-Time
  • Non-Employee-Campus Privileges

Matriculation Semester

This is the start term of the current academic level (grad/undergrad) for the student.  If the start term is before 17/S1, "Before 17/S1" will be the value.  We have populated these values until Summer of 2021-2022 school year.  New terms will need to be added in the future.

Before 17/S117/S117/S217/S3

Loading/Updating Student Data

Student Template 

The following fields are currently provided in the Student Template for importing/updating student data (as of 3/9/21). The informer reports that are run to retrieve the student data will have these fields as column headings:

  • First Name* - required field - First name of student
  • Last Name* - required field - Last name of student
  • Email* - required field - NPU email address of student
  • Student Id (optional) - this is optional but we provide this data - this is the NPU ID of the student
  • SSO ID (case sensitive and required for SSO login)  - this is required and is the unique name identifier for SSO - this is the NPU ID of the student
  • (Y/N) Undergrad - If the current academic level is 'UG' then this student is an undergrad and this field will be 'Y' otherwise, will be 'N'.  The academic level is found in the STU.CURRENT.ACAD.LEVELS field on the STUDENT file.
  • (Y/N) Graduate - f the current academic level is 'GR' then this student is an undergrad and this field will be 'Y' otherwise, will be 'N'.  The academic level is found in the STU.CURRENT.ACAD.LEVELS field on the STUDENT file.
  • (Y/N) Non-Traditional - not used at NPU - this field will be blank
  • (Y/N) Greek - not used at NPU  - this field will be blank
  • Academic Program Type - this will contain the student's academic program for the term that we are running the informer report from.  The academic program is found in the X.STU.XXXX.PROG.TYPE field on the STUDENTS file where XXXX is the specific term we are running (i.e. X.STU.21S1.PROG.TYPE).  Please see more information below regarding running the correct report for the term we are processing.
  • Athletics - this will be if the student is a member of coach of an athletic team - we are just leaving this field as blanks at this time
  • Employee Status - this will be blank for Students.
  • Matriculation Semester - This is the semester that the student has started their particular academic level ( UG/GR).  This data is contained in either the XQ.STU.GR.START.TERM (for graduate students) or XQ.STU.UG.START.TERM (for undergrads) on the STUDENTS file.  If their is no start date in the associated program field, then blanks are passed in this field.   If the matriculation semester was prior to 17/S1, "Before 17/S1" will be displayed in this field.

To ensure that we are providing the most up to date data, when going to upload users, you will need to download the User List template for Higher Education:Students

Importing Student Data to EverFi

Creating Student Import File

  1.  Run Informer report to retrieve all current student data.
    1. Log into Informer and on the main page search for EverFi.  These will bring up all the EverFi related reports.  The reports to retrieve student data are term specific, therefore you will need to select the report which corresponds to the term you are trying to import.  For instance, if you were looking to retrieve all students who were actively enrolled for Fall 2021 (21/S1), then you would select the report called EverFI Foundry Student Import Fall 2021 (21/S1).  If you do not find a report for the term you are processing, please contact IT.  They will need to create a report for you (for information about creating the report, see the 'Creating new term-specific Informer Report For Student Data' section below).
    2. In the search box in Informer, search for 'No Start Term'.  If there are rows that have this value in the "Matriculation Semester" column, then we will need to remove these rows from the file.  To do this:
        1. follow step #2 below to download the report to an Excel file. 
        2. Once the file is opened in Excel, click the Data menu and then select Filter
        3. On the 'Matriculation Semester' column, select "No Start Term".  Delete the rows that are returned.
        4. Remove all filters by unselecting the Filter icon under the Data menu
        5. Perform step #3 below to ensure that the Student ID and SSO columns are not truncated and save the file as a .csv file
  2. Download the returned rows from the report to a CSV file.  In the upper right-hand corner click the "Export Results" icon.  Select  'Excel Comma Separated Value (.csv), name the file and then click 'export'.  The file will be automatically opened in Excel.  If this does not happen, the file can be found in your downloads file on your PC.
  3. Remove any rows that do not have a matriculation semester:
    1. Once the file is opened in Excel, click the Data menu and then select Filter
    2. On the 'Matriculation Semester' column, select "No Start Term".  Delete the rows that are returned.
    3. Remove all filters by unselecting the Filter icon under the Data menu
  4. You should have no need to modify this file.  However, if you open the file in Excel and save it, you may lose some data.  The leading zeroes in the Student ID and SSO ID fields will be truncated and we do not want this to happen.  If you need to modify this file in Excel, make sure you do the following prior to saving:
    1. Highlight the Student Id column → Right click and select 'Format Cells'
    2. Under the Number tab, select 'Custom'
    3. From the dropdown, select 0.  In the Type box, make sure there are seven zeroes.  This will make sure that any leading zeroes will be incorporated in the ID field
    4. Perform steps a-d above for the 'SSO ID (case sensitive and required for SSO login)' column
    5. Save file - make sure it is still saved as a .csv file

Importing Student (new)/Updating Existing Students

The process to add and update student information is a two step process.  Unfortunately, EverFi does not have a one-step process which will either insert a new student record or update the record (if the student record already exists), therefore we must perform a two-step process to import all student data.

  1. Log into EverFi
  2. First we will run the first step to run the import file to add any new users to the system:
    1. Select  'User Uploads' from the left side menu.  Then in the upper right-hand click on "Upload" and then select "Add new users"
    2. If prompted, select "Higher Education:Students" the click the 'Upload Users" button
    3. You can download the template file for "Higher Education: Students" and verify that the column headings in the file match the column headings in the import file.  
    4. Click on Next
    5. Under Browse File, select the import file you created. 
    6. You will then see a screen to view the progress of your upload (you can refresh your browser screen to view the updated status).  When the import is complete, you can see how many of the records were successful (these were new student records who were added successfully) and see how many were rejected (these rejected rows can be because the student already exists in the system or had some other error).  You can download these records.
    7. If the records were rejected with a "Email XXX@northpark.edu has already been taken, Sso Id XXXXXXX has already been taken for this organization" they can be ignored.  These were students who were already in the system and will be updated when we re-run the file through the update process in the steps below.  Any other rejected records will have to be further analyzed to resolve the error.
  3. Next, we will run the same import file through the update process to update any student records that already existed in the system
    1. Select  'User Uploads' from the left side menu.  Then in the upper right-hand click on "Upload" and then select "Update Existing users"
    2. If prompted, select "Higher Education:Students" the click the 'Upload Users" button
    3. You can download the template file for "Higher Education: Students" and verify that the column headings in the file match the column headings in the import file.  
    4. Click on Next
    5. Under Browse File, select the import file you created. 
    6. You will then see a screen to view the progress of your upload (you can refresh your browser screen to view the updated status).  When the import is complete, you can see how many of the records were successful (these were existing student records which were updated  and see how many were rejected .  You can download these records.
    7. Any rejected records will have to be further analyzed to resolve the error.

Loading/Updating Employee Data

Employee Template

The following fields are currently provided in the Faculty & Staff Template for importing/updating employee data (as of 3/9/21). The informer reports that are run to retrieve the employee data will have these fields as column headings:

  • First Name* - required field - First name of the employee
  • Last Name* - required field - Last name of employee
  • Email* - required field - NPU email address of employee
  • Employee Id (optional) - this is optional but we provide this data - this is the NPU ID of the employee
  • SSO ID (case sensitive and required for SSO login) - this is required and is the unique name identifier for SSO - this is the NPU ID of the employee
  • (Y/N) Supervisor - this will be set to "Y" if this person has any direct reports. An employee can either have Supervisor or Non-Supervisor field set to 'Y'.  If both are "Y" the import process will reject the record with an error.
  • (Y/N) Non-supervisor - this will be set to "Y" if this person does NOT have any direct reports.  An employee can either have Supervisor or Non-Supervisor field set to 'Y'.  If both are "Y" the import process will reject the record with an error.
  • Academic Program Type - This remains blank for employee data
  • Athletics - this is currently blank for employee data
  • Employee Status - This will be either "Part-Time'", "Full-Time",  or "Non-Employee-Campus Privileges".  This is derived from the PERSTAT_STATUS field on the PERSTAT table ("FT"= Full-Time, "PT" = "Part-TIme" and "NC" = "Non-Employee-Campus Privileges")
  • Matriculation Semester - This is currently blank for employee data

Importing Employee Data to EverFi

Creating Employee Import File

  1.  Run the following Informer report to retrieve all current employee data:  EverFi Foundry Employee Data Import
    1. This report calls the EverFI_Employee view in COLL_IT to perform SQL queries to return the employee data
  2. Download the returned rows from the report to a CSV file.  In the upper right-hand corner click the "Export Results" icon.  Select  'Excel Comma Separated Value (.csv), name the file and then click 'export'.  The file will be automatically opened in Excel.  If this does not happen, the file can be found in your downloads file on your PC.
  3. You should have no need to modify this file.  However, if you open the file in Excel and save it, you may lose some data.  The leading zeroes in the Employee ID and SSO ID fields will be truncated and we do not want this to happen. 

If you need to modify this file in Excel, make sure you do the following prior to saving.  

    1. Highlight the Employee Id (optional) column → Right click and select 'Format Cells'
    2. Under the Number tab, select 'Custom'
    3. From the dropdown, select 0.  In the Type box, make sure there are seven zeroes.  This will make sure that any leading zeroes will be incorporated in the ID field
    4. Save file - make sure it is still saved as a .csv file
    5. Perform steps above for the 'SSO ID (case sensitive and required for SSO login)' column

Importing Employee (new)/Updating Existing Employees

The process to add and update employee information is a two step process.  Unfortunately, EverFi does not have a one-step process which will either insert a new employee record or update the record (if the employee record already exists), therefore we must perform a two-step process to import all employee data.

  1. Log into EverFi
  2. First we will run the first step to run the import file to add any new users to the system:
    1. Select  'User Uploads' from the left side menu.  Then in the upper right-hand click on "Upload" and then select "Add new users"
    2. If prompted, select "Faculty & Staff" the click the 'Upload Users" button
    3. You can download the template file for "Faculty & Staff" and verify that the column headings in the file match the column headings in the import file.  
    4. Click on Next
    5. Under Browse File, select the import file you created. 
    6. You will then see a screen to view the progress of your upload (you can refresh your browser screen to view the updated status).  When the import is complete, you can see how many of the records were successful (these were new employee records who were added successfully) and see how many were rejected (these rejected rows can be because the employee already exists in the system or had some other error).  You can download these records.
    7. If the records were rejected with a "Email XXX@northpark.edu has already been taken, Sso Id XXXXXXX has already been taken for this organization" they can be ignored.  These were employee who were already in the system and will be updated when we re-run the file through the update process in the steps below.  Any other rejected records will have to be further analyzed to resolve the error.
  3. Next, we will run the same import file through the update process to update any employee records that already existed in the system
    1. Select  'User Uploads' from the left side menu.  Then in the upper right-hand click on "Upload" and then select "Update Existing users"
    2. If prompted, select "Faculty & Staff" the click the 'Upload Users" button
    3. You can download the template file for "Faculty & Staff" and verify that the column headings in the file match the column headings in the import file.  
    4. Click on Next
    5. Under Browse File, select the import file you created. 
    6. You will then see a screen to view the progress of your upload (you can refresh your browser screen to view the updated status).  When the import is complete, you can see how many of the records were successful (these were existing employee records which were updated  and see how many were rejected .  You can download these records.
    7. Any rejected records will have to be further analyzed to resolve the error.

Deactivating Student/Employee Data

Creating new term-specific Informer Report for Student Data

  1. To create a new report, the following steps need to be completed:
    1. Copy an existing EverFi student import report
    2. Rename report to the appropriate term
    3. In the criteria of the report, need to update the term value
    4. In the columns definition of the report, you will need to update the Academic Program Type column to point to the appropriate term field on the STUDENTS file.  


EverFi Foundy using SAML authentication for signing in to the application.  The EmployeeId field (this is the NPU ID number for both employees and students)  in Azure is used as the unique name identifier.  The NPU ID number must match the SSO ID value (which is provided at time of import) in EverFI for the user to be able to log in successfully.  The STUDENTS and EMPLOYEES AD groups are added to the users/groups in the SSO definition.

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