
Apporto is a virtual desktop environment provided for certain classes and applications.

The desktops are available via links in some Canvas courses. Contact your instructor regarding using this tool for remote desktop work.

Current North Park users should be able to log in using single-sign-on.



Please coordinate with your instructor for information on what you may need to access Apporto.

You should be able to access the Apporto desktops using most computers and mobile devices.

Application available are:

  • MATLAB R2023a


  • Wolfram Mathematica 13.2

  • IBM SPSS Statistics v.29


Faculty can coordinate with the Center for Online Education (COE) for help adding Apporto functionality to Canvas. Groups are automatically created within Apporto based on Canvas membership and components.

Please contact Information Technology with any application requests or troubleshooting.

Apporto has a faculty guide available here: