Remote Work Resources

This page provides information and resources for faculty and staff working remotely during university breaks or campus closures.


  • Email Access
    • Employees with North Park laptops can continue to use the Microsoft Outlook application whether on campus or working remotely.
    • North Park email can be accessed from a web browser at 
    • The Microsoft Outlook email app is also available to install on iPhone and Android.
  • Out of Office AutoReply
    • If you will not be actively answering your email while away, please add an Out-of-Office auto-reply message to alert senders of your status.
    • Instructions are available for setting an automatic Out-of-Office reply from Outlook for Windows or Outlook for Mac.  You may also use the web or mobile versions of Outlook.

Phone and Voicemail

  • Voicemail Access
    • North Park voicemail is delivered to your email inbox as a sound file with transcription, so it will continue to be available whether you are on campus or working remotely.
    • North Park voicemail is also available via the phone by calling the voicemail service.  Instructions are available for reaching your Unity Voicemail
  • Responding to Callers
    • Out of Office Message
      • Since you will not be actively answering your phone while away, please add an Out-of-Office auto-reply message to alert callers of your status and when they can expect a reply.  You must use the voicemail phone interface to record your new message - Voicemail access and instructions
      • To forward callers directly to voicemail (no need to first ring four times), Press the CFwdALL button on your phone and enter the 4900.  Press CFwdALL again to cancel the forwarding.
    • Forwarding Your Phone
      • If your phone number must be actively answered during a campus closure, you may forward your phone to another campus phone that will be staffed or to your cell phone.
        • Forwarding from your campus phone
          • Forward to another campus phone:  Press the CFwdALL button and enter the 4-digit extension.  Press CFwdALL again to cancel the forwarding.
          • Forward to a cell phone:  Press the CFwdALL button and enter "81" followed by the full 10-digit phone number, e.g. 817737654321.  Press CFwdALL again to cancel the forwarding.
        • If you are no longer on campus but must forward your phone, please open a Helpdesk ticket for IT and be sure to include your extension to be forwarded and the extension or phone number that should be the forwarding destination.  Note that forwarding will remain in effect until you return to campus or open a new ticket to remove the forwarding.
        • If a departmental or primary phone number must be forwarded to a rotation of employees, please contact IT to discuss options.

Access to Files

  • Campus Z: drive and Departmental (Q:, R:) drives
    • Z: drives and departmental shared drives are only available from campus.  
    • To make personal files available while working remotely, please move files to your personal OneDrive.  
    • Employees may also use the Windows Virtual Desktop (see Remote Access below) to reach campus and access these files.
  • OneDrive
    • OneDrive keeps your files accessible by storing them in the cloud, syncing them to your device, and allowing you to share them with other people at North Park.  
    • Training
    • Access

Voice/Video Conferencing & Chat

Remote Access

Getting Help - IT and COE

The Center for Online Education provides assistance and resources for online education, including Canvas and BigBlueButton.

North Park IT will continue to monitor requests and be available to provide assistance during extended campus closures.  Please contact IT if you will have specific needs while working remotely.
