Shared Mailboxes

Shared Mailboxes

What are Shared Mailboxes

Many departments with an email address are now using "Office 365 Shared Mailboxes."

Here are the Microsoft instructions for accessing a Shared Mailbox, and how to send email from it: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/open-and-use-a-shared-mailbox-in-outlook-2016-and-outlook-2013-d94a8e9e-21f1-4240-808b-de9c9c088afd

  • If you are using the Outlook application installed on your desktop (Apple or Windows), completely close Outlook and then re-open it. The shared mailbox should appear below your inbox.

  • If you are using the Outlook web app on O365, follow the instructions below.


Supervisors should be diligent in requesting access, as well as removing expired access.

To request access to a Department's Shared Mailbox, please have your supervisor open a ticket with IT on your behalf.

Accessing Shared Mailboxes

Browser/Web Access

Once access has been granted by a supervisor, students should access the inbox via their O365 account.

  1. Sign in to your North Park email in a browser: https://outlook.com/northpark.edu

  2. Click on your picture in the top-right hand corner

  3. Select Open another mailbox

  4. Type in the name of the mailbox you wish to enter and select Open.