
Most Android devices should be able to connect to our campus wireless. Settings may look different on specific devices.

Follow these instructions to connect your Android device to the appropriate wireless network.

All current North Park students, faculty, and staff should use their current username and password to connect to the NORTHPARK WiFi network.


  1. Open the Android settings and select WiFi.
  2. Note: Make sure your WiFi is switched to "ON"
    Open "WiFi Networks" settings page and then look for the list of available WiFi Networks listed
  3. Select the NORTHPARK network
    1. When prompted for username and password, enter your North Park username under "Identity" (without the and password.
    2. Leave everything else unchanged.
    3. Then click "Connect."
  4. You are now connected to the NORTHPARK wireless network. Your Android device should automatically reconnect to this network when it is in range.

Android Wireless Settings

Phase 2 authenticationMSCHAPV2
CA CertificateUse System Certificates
Anonymous Identity(leave blank)
Passwordyour Active Directory (AD) password
Advanced Options(leave alone)